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Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pigskin, pig, & snow

Oh, the weather outside would be awesome if my car wasn't stuck at the bottom of a very steep driveway, which is currently covered in ice. That means that a) I can't go to the shoots I had planned for today, tomorrow, and possibly the next day, and b) I have copious amounts of time to take pictures in my own snowy backyard and blog about them.

So, to take my mind off of "a", I'm performing "b".

The other day, before the ice and snow got so bad as to lock me inside my home, Nick and I took in a football game at a bar & grill down the street with some friends. Though I did my best to capture our time at least partially epically, I had a hard time finding things to take pictures of.

It was a good burger, thanks for asking.

So I moved on to attempt some Power Portraits. Yes, again.

Cute though they may be, they're not what I was aiming for, through no fault of the subjects. Ah, well, maybe next time.

So then the snow blew in, and I shot that.

For those of you who don't know, we have a pig. His name is Wu, as in Mr. Wu, as in from Deadwood. And if I have to explain why, you probably wouldn't get it.

{Oh, okay, fine: Wu is a Chinese character on the HBO Old West show "Deadwood" who keeps pigs for the disposal of bodies. Get it?}

Anyway, we have a pig. And he looked so cute snuffling in the snow, we had to go take pictures of him.

And then he stole Nick's plastic bag.

I tried to photograph the pig epically, if that is even possible. I like the shots I came out with, though. What do you think?


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